Summer season is full of celebrations such as weddings or wedding anniversaries. For these significant occasions we often look for a special
gift which not only will be a great memorabilia but also a fabulous decoration.
For these types of occasions, personalized presents are often chosen to make the events and the gift even more special. The set which we
have prepared for one of our clients is a great example of this kind of a gift.
The set consists of two decorated champagne glasses with hand written names of a bride and a groom, a 15cm hand-decorated heart with
hand written wishes on and figurine of frogs for luck.
The set is packed into a white elegant box with a golden ribbon on the lid and satin fabric inside.
If you look for a uniqe gift for special people in your life this will be perfect for you. You can chose the wishes and the names yourself and
we will tranfer everything onto the glass. If you have any questions please contact us via e-mail: sklep@vitbis.com.